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Nitter: A New Way to Experience Twitter

Nitter: A Free and Open Source Alternative to Twitter

Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy and performance. The source is available on GitHub at

Why Use Nitter?

There are several reasons why you might want to use Nitter instead of Twitter's official website or apps:

  • Privacy: Nitter does not track your activity or collect your personal data.
  • Performance: Nitter is much faster and more responsive than Twitter's official website or apps.
  • No ads: Nitter does not display any ads.
  • Open source: Nitter is a free and open source software. This means that you can inspect the code, modify it, and even contribute to its development.

How to Use Nitter

To use Nitter, simply visit the website at You can then search for users, browse timelines, and view tweets. You can also create an account to follow users and post your own tweets.


Nitter is a great alternative to Twitter's official website or apps. It is privacy-focused, fast, and free of ads. If you are looking for a better way to experience Twitter, then I encourage you to give Nitter a try.
