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De Zerbi Ball

De Zerbi Ball: How Brighton's New Manager Is Changing the Way They Play

De Zerbi's Philosophy

Roberto De Zerbi is a firm believer in possession football, and he has implemented this philosophy at Brighton. He wants his team to control the ball as much as possible, and he believes that this will lead to success.
"I want my team to be the protagonist of the game," De Zerbi said. "We want to have the ball, we want to create chances, and we want to score goals."

How Brighton Play Under De Zerbi

Under De Zerbi, Brighton have adopted a possession-based style of play. They look to keep the ball on the ground and pass it around the pitch. They are also very patient in their build-up play, and they do not rush into attacks.
"We want to be a team that is difficult to play against," De Zerbi said. "We want to make our opponents work hard, and we want to make them run a lot."

The Impact of De Zerbi's Philosophy

De Zerbi's philosophy has had a positive impact on Brighton. The team has been more successful in recent months, and they are now in the running for a European spot.
"De Zerbi has been a great addition to the club," said Brighton captain Lewis Dunk. "He has brought a new philosophy to the team, and he has us playing some really good football."


De Zerbi is a manager with a clear philosophy, and he is starting to implement this philosophy at Brighton. The team is playing well, and they are starting to achieve success. It will be interesting to see how Brighton perform in the future under De Zerbi.
